Frank nicodem
board president
Frank has led various business operations teams for most of his career including area such as Finance, Project Management, Business Intelligence, People Operations, Compliance & Risk Management, Legal, Facilities, IT and others, focusing not just on the operations themselves but mentoring and connecting employees to each other and the bigger picture and goals of the organizations. Mentorship extends beyond the workplace to various organizations such as Chicago based CIMA and Experience Institute.
The path that led Frank to first sponsor and then volunteer with Chicago Angels includes a variety of similar areas with goals of helping those that need connection most. His family has hosted children experiencing foster care through Safe Families for many years, consistently volunteers and donates to local homeless shelters, food banks and adoption-assistance organizations along with trips with and sponsorships of various international organizations and Frank serves through budget-coaching and other financial assistance ministries with his local church. He is a believer in community impact and that's why he continues to show up for Chicago Angels!
The path that led Frank to first sponsor and then volunteer with Chicago Angels includes a variety of similar areas with goals of helping those that need connection most. His family has hosted children experiencing foster care through Safe Families for many years, consistently volunteers and donates to local homeless shelters, food banks and adoption-assistance organizations along with trips with and sponsorships of various international organizations and Frank serves through budget-coaching and other financial assistance ministries with his local church. He is a believer in community impact and that's why he continues to show up for Chicago Angels!